• $529000

642 Main Rd, Stoke, Nelson 7011

The address of this property does not paint an accurate picture. In fact, this property would be the exact opposite of a property that you would typically expect to find with a Main Road address. 

A beautifully constructed and well laid out home which is situated in a private, tranquil setting that fronts onto the railway reserve at a point where the railway reserve turns into a significant, open green belt with established trees. This is the type of environment that so many purchasers tell me they’re looking for. 

Add to this the extremely easy to live in three bedroom home which has been cleverly planned to maximise sunny open plan living, dining and kitchen, and create a natural flow to the established alfresco areas, where you could easily lose hours enjoying a vino with friends. 

The master bedroom enjoys a walk in wardrobe and ensuite, and the remaining two bedrooms get the run of a generous bathroom and separate toilet. Loads of off street parking, an excellent double garage, and a garden shed. The gardens strike a superb balance between low maintenance and established… they feel full of life and bustle with spring growth, yet do not require constant attention to keep them looking and feeling great. This home will appeal to so many demographs including (however not limited to…) busy working families and those buyers that make up the ranks of the silver tsunami sweeping across the country in their modern house trucks and rolling gleefully on their shiny new Harley Davidsons!

The vendors have set a remarkably sharp reserve, and if that’s the best price on Tender day… they will sell! However, be advised there’s loads of property for your dollars here, so if you’re serious about finding that unique property at an affordable level then you’d best not wait, as prior offers (both conditional and unconditional) are welcome. So get out of your car, camper or hop off your harley, grab your cheque book, and prepare to be impressed!