37 Waingaro Road, Ngaruawahia, Waikato, 3720, New Zealand

Do you require, 3 bedrooms, open plan kitchen lounge area, walk-in shower, two toilets, ramp to the front door, all to – As well as an extra carport off the back door, plus a huge garage, which has power and tea making facilities, great for family get to together.


All this on a large 809sqm section which is fully fenced.

Yes, there are some minor items to repairs but a great chance for a first home buyer or investor to get aboard the real estate train at low entry levels.


During Covid-19 alert level 3 there will be no physical open homes for this property. If you would like to arrange a private viewing, please contact the listing salesperson below. They will explain how private viewings will be conducted and how safe social distancing will be managed. A virtual viewing can also be arranged if you are unable to attend in person.


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